- Never knowingly injure anyone's feelings or property in any manner
- Never making fun of the old, the poor, the less fortunate and the handicapped
- Always respecting the religious beliefs of the other
- Valuing courage and endurance to play fairly and courteously and accepting victory or defeat sportingly
- Being careful of personal cleanliness and avoiding vulgarity in talk and behaviour
- Offering help to any unattended visitor whom we may meet in the school premises
- Greeting any teacher or visitor who enters or passes through the room in which we are.
- Realising that hard, persevering, systematic personal effort is main ingredient to real success
- Always remembering that 'PLEASE', 'THANK YOU' and 'SORRY' are the most beautiful words in the dictionary.
- Always being conscious that nobility consists in being honest and sincere, decent and gentle in speech and action.
Practice is the best of all instructors.